44+ Sketch The Free-Body Diagram Of A Baseball At The Moment It Is Hit By The Bat. Gif. So then the correct answer should be 1 and 3 since every other option has foces actiong on the bat? The force of gravity on the wagon is 100 n.
During an inning, each of the two teams takes its turn to bat, which means trying to hit the ball that is thrown to them by the pitcher of other team.
To simplify the analysis of the physics of hitting a baseball, let's assume the bat can be represented by a uniform the reference frame and free body diagram for the slender rod is shown in the figure below. Get more photo about home decor related with by looking at photos gallery at the bottom of this page. As,we know,in case of a projectile motion,the projectile moves forward with its constant horizontal component of velocity and after going for a certain height due to its vertical component of velocity it reaches back to the ground due to gravity. It is the free body diagram for a baseball at the moment it is hit by the bat.